If you would like to bring your project to Studio Silo, or if you are simply just curious about what we do and how we work, then please do get in touch. We always like to chat about new ideas. You can telephone Vinny our House Engineer directly on +354 7834976 or you can reach him by email:

We book by the day, and a day is typically nine hours in total with a one hour break in the middle for lunch. If we start at 9am we normally finish at 6pm, and so on. With this we are flexible within a few hours, but planning is good, and sleep is good for you! We do not provide accommodation, but we can recommend and help in arranging lodging for you and your crew at decent prices within our village.
For people coming to our Artist Residency, please note that Studio Silo is not part of the workshops that are available within the Residency Programme. Studio Silo must be booked separately, however Residency Artists are given a 10% discount.
In order to confirm a booking, a deposit of 50% of the total fee is to be paid beforehand, with the remainder to be paid upon completion of the session. For longer sessions this deposit can be reduced if need be.
If you need a rehearsal space before you record then that can be arranged in our concert hall at no extra cost.
And now for you analog heads… If you choose to use our wonderful tape recorders then there is no extra cost for recording to tape. They are always connected and always ready. We have a number of formats to choose from, depending on the project and we can track via tape and into the computer seamlessly, giving you the tape sound and then being able to continue with overdubs and editing on computer. This gives the best of both worlds and we do it often.