Most recent posts
Oscar Tsai
Oscar is an illustrator from Taipei who stayed with us during September 2015. He studied information management in university and barely painted or do some artworks before 2011. He says he started painting in 2011 because of a heart-broken accident. Initially, he just wanted to paint something to release sorrow. In the process, he found…
Steve Kane
Steve is a electronic engineer from New Zealand. He is also known now as DJ. Lightning Kane, but that is a long story involving Fleetwood Mac, Whitney Houston and others alike. Steve stayed with us for 6 weeks in September and October 2015. During that time we had a lot of fun with him and…
Émilie Bernard
Émilie Bernard was a Canadian artist who was here during August and September 2015. Her motivation to come to the Residency was influenced by a previously stay in Iceland, which affected a lot her way of making art. Émilie worked in a lot of drawings coming from an sculpture background and using elements to create…
Annie & Ed Quinn
Annie (Vinny’s mom!) and Ed Quinn stayed with us in August 2015. The pair did all sorts of handy work and helped us renovate the new artist house which we where moving into at the time. Annie and Ed are just plain wonderful and great fun to have around. Loads of Love! :D
Jessica Gaddis
Jessica stayed with us for a month in the summer, August 2015. She comes from the US and she says she is continually in the search for “light and laughter”, which she certainly brought to us. Jessica is interested in imagined landscapes and creatures from faraway places. Her time at the Residency was an approach…
31st of July – Will the sky choose for you?
ENGLISH BELOW Sköpunarmiðstöðin á Stöðvarfirði býður til huggulegrar kvöldstundar með músík og list. Húsið opnar klukkan 20:00. Gestalistamaðurinn okkar Jessica Gaddis, sem dvalið hefur hér undafarinn mánuð, mun sýna verk sín inn á Járnsmíðaverkstæði. Jessica sækir efnivið sinn úr náttúrunni og hefur Íslandsdvöl hennar gefið henni mikinn innblástur. Inn í salnum mun tónlistarfólkið Klemens Hannigan,…
Concert Hall gets a new Stage
Just before Polar festival, Una, Vinny, Enrico & Magdalena built a new stage for the Concert Hall…. from the old floor! Seeing is believing :D
Grace Fechner
Grace Fechner is an Artist from the United States. She stayed with us for the summer months of June, July and August in 2015. During her stay Grace made a brilliant mural that now brightens the hallway in the Factory. If you want to see more of her works you can visit
30th of May Villy Raze Concert
Laugardaginn 30. maí munu þeir Villy Raze & Vinny Vamos frá Írlandi flytja órafmagnaða tónleika í Sköpunarmiðstöðinni á Stöðvarfirði. Fjörið hefst klukkan 21:00 og munu þeir félagar flytja eigin lög auk þess sem aldrei er að vita nema nokkur vel valin Írsk lög fái að fljóta með. Vinny þarf vart að kynna fyrir Stöðfirðingum. Villy…
Grants from Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands 2015!
We are very grateful and happy to announce that we received two grants from Uppbyggingarsjóð Austurlands this year. Thank you! That means that we can continue to build up the Creative Centre and our recording studio, Studio Silo. We are very grateful :) Here you can find an article from Austurbrú about the Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands…
Olivia Hancock
Olivia Hancock is an Artist and a Writer from England and she spent May – June 2015 with us working on her paintings and novel. Olivia was also fond of the attic in the factory and spent some good times up there splashing some paint around while working on her big paintings. Olivia showed some…
Enrico Preuß
Enrico Preuß is from Germany and he stayed with us for 3 months, from May to July 2015 to help us build Studio Silo and fix up some audio gear. Enrico is our one and only Sparkle Masse Master! It was great to have him on board and during his stay he got involved in…
28th of April Tribbjút Concert Kára Viðarssonar
Kári frá Frystiklefinn Rifi kemur í heimsókn í Sköpunarmiðstöðina mánudaginn 28. Apríl og verður með standöpptónleika! Húsið opnar klukkan 20:00 og fjörið gefst klukkan 21:00 ! Sjáumst :) Kári segir: “Bíllinn minn er að fara í sína hinstu för. Hann fær ekki skoðun. Mér fannst ömurlegt að hafa aldrei farið í kringum landið á honum…
Veit Schmoll
Veit Schmoll is a German photographer who spent the April of 2015 with us and made some pretty impressive installations for his photo shootings up on the attic of the factory. He spent most of his stay in a thermal overall (except when he played the drums), although the attic is aesthetically interesting and photogenic,…
Eyrarrósin 2015
We are honored to have been nominated for Eyrarrósin 2015. We did though not bring home the trophy this time… Kári in Frystiklefinn á Rifi did so and we wish him to congratulations with a big high five and a hug :D
Rokk & Rok – 7th of March Concert
Here are some pictures & videos from the Rokk & Rok Concert in march! Hollowbones Ranghalar Garðar Harðar & his Blues Band
Jeff Godfrey
Jeff Godfrey is an American Artist based in New York and spent the month of March 2015 with us working on his paintings and music. One of the first things Jeff did after he arrived here was to perform his music on a concert held in the Factory Concert Hall. Jeff makes music under the…
Matyáš Cigler
Matyáš Cigler is a Czech gentleman who stayed with us for six weeks in March and April 2015 and helped us out with the building Studio Silo. During his stay Matyáš made Bar Matyáš in our Concert all and truly proofed his bartender skills :) Many things can be said about Matyáš and we laugh…
Rokk & Rok Concert on 7th of March
Laugardaginn 7.mars býður Sköpunarmiðstöðin til tónleika að tilefni þeirrar vindasömu tíðar sem geysað hefur. Þeir tónlistarmenn sem ljá okkur gleði að þessu sinni eru Garðar Harðar ásamt blúsbandi, en þeir munu taka stormandi blúsjamm, poppbandið Ranghalar frá Reyðarfirði mun fá allar mjaðmir til að dillast og Jeff Hollowbones frá USA mun færa okkur sjóðheitt og…
Stiofán De Priondárgas
Steve is not a man… he is the Celtic thunder! When others handle one he tackles three! In the snowing days of February 2015 he came all the way from Ireland to help us to lay plaster boards on the walls and ceilings of Studio Silo. Steve is a true jack of all trades and…