Most recent posts

  • Umfjöllun á N4 um miðstöðina

    Umfjöllun á N4 um miðstöðina

    Umfjöllun um miðstöðina á N4, viðtalið hefst á 6:20 mínútu.

  • Laura Arena

    Laura Arena

    Laura Arena is an artist, designer, curator, and writer living in New York City and sometimes in other places. She stayed with us during the months of March and April 2016. For her project in Iceland and to be continued in Greenland she made a  site where you can see the work: Her interview…

  • Lana Schneider

    Lana Schneider

    Lana is an artist from Gent (Belgium) and stayed with us in Residency for the month of March in 2016. Her works are usually wall drawings, taking inspiration from geometry and conceptualism. During her stay she worked with 3D forms and the representation of rocks in photography and through computer work. Following the same ideas…

  • David Andrew

    David Andrew

    David Andrew is a writer and a  poet from the UK and he was an artist in Residency during March 2016. David is a member of the Green Party in UK and he spent his time here reading and writing about how to get by with less things. Website as poet and company director:…

  • Slipping & Sliding !

    Slipping & Sliding !

    The crew got out to play on a snowy Sunday and brought with them just about everything that could possible pass as a sleigh…

  • Comhghan Locke & Harry Humphreys

    Comhghan Locke & Harry Humphreys

    Comhghan & Harry are a pair of Irish gemstones who joined us up for a week in the month of February 2016. These geniuses brought with them music and singing and some crazy car mechanic skills! :D

  • Simeon Goodwin

    Simeon Goodwin

     Simeon is a sustainable designer and craftsman working with seaweed who stayed with us during February 2016. Originally from Liverpool, UK, In Stöðvarfjörður he worked to create pieces from local seaweeds. He created a small range of lamps and other objects from dried seaweed which did not require any other materials or adhesives. These pieces are…

  • Sif Yraola

    Sif Yraola

    Sif Yraola, half Icelandic, half Spanish, came during the last week of February and stayed until the beginning of May 2016. Sif help with all sorts of stuff at the Centre, like organizing the Paint Storage with our friend Saga Ásgeirsdóttir (true passion), helped organizing a 3 day study visit to the Centre for all…

  • Karaoke Night on 20th of February!

    Karaoke Night on 20th of February!

    Það verður Karaoke fjör í Frystihúsinu á laugardagskvöldið 20 febrúar! Húsið opnar klukkan 21:00 og verður diskóljós, bjór og kaffi! DJ.-ÓK mun svo þeyta skífum fram á rauða nóttina með öllum bestu slögurunum!  Aðgangur er ókeypis og munið… what happens on Karaoke nights, stays in Karaoke nights :) Endilega bjóði vinum og deilið viðburðinum :)…

  • Tom Allon

    Tom Allon

    Tom came all the way from Israel to join us up for the months of February and March 2016. Tom helped us with wiring Studio Silo, but his true passion was found when he started to clear out heaps of scrap metal and reorganize the electric workshop. He also lead a great music workshop with…

  • Grants from Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands 2016

    Grants from Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands 2016

    We are very proud and happy to announce that we received two grants from Uppbyggingarsjóð Austurlands this year. Our recording studio, Studio Silo was granted funds to finalize the building and the second grant we received to continue fixing up the building as a whole. Thank you! We are very grateful :) Here you can…

  • Elena Pérez-Ardá López

    Elena Pérez-Ardá López

    Elena is from Spain and came to us on a chilly morning in the beginning of January 2016. She stayed with us for 6 months and truly became a member of the Fish Factory Family. During her stay Elena took part in many events in that took place in the factory, several concerts, the Blues…

  • Lucy Willow

    Lucy Willow

    Lucy Willow is a british artist who stayed with us for the month of July 2015. She proposed to generate a new body of drawings, sound recordings and written narrative responding directly to the location. She is interested in giving form to the idea of liminal space, the imagined space of limbo, a space possibly…

  • Tara Benjamin-Morgan

    Tara Benjamin-Morgan

    Tara Benjamin is an artist from UK, who lives and works between London and Oxford. She stayed with us during the month of December 2015, looking for something new to let the “everyday” go. She was interested in immerse herself into the landscape surroundings here and thus challenge her works, getting into much larger pieces.…

  • Mooni Perry

    Mooni Perry

    Moony is a south korean artist, based in London. She stayed in Residency for the month of December 2015. Her work combines abstract drawings, sculptures and installation, using a variety of materials. Moony wanted to take inspiration from the winter here. You can visit her web:  

  • Sunrise Coffee in Studio Silo

    Sunrise Coffee in Studio Silo

    After fitting a window in Studio Silo, Vinny, Una, Raitis and Catie gathered together the morning after to celebrate the first sunrise that could be seen from that view… and what a view. During these last dark months of the year, in November and December, the sun is such a welcoming sight to see.

  • Pop-up Bicycle Workshop on 18th of October

    Pop-up Bicycle Workshop on 18th of October

    Salomon Anaya og Adam Masters er bandarískir listamenn sem ferðast á hjólum um landið og setja up hjólaverkstæði hér og þar, m.a. í Frystiklefanum á Rifi og í Neslist í Skagafirði. Þeim ætla að heimsækja okkur hér á Stöðvarfirði og munu þeir setja upp hjólaverkstæði í Sköpunarmiðstöðinni núna á sunnudaginn 18. októmber. Krökkum á öllum…

  • Mur Mur Concert on the 30th of October

    Mur Mur Concert on the 30th of October

    Sköpunarmiðstöðin býður til tónleika á Dögum myrkurs, föstudaginn 30 október og hefst gleðin klukkan 21:00. Bandið sem mun stíga á stokk er hljómsveitin MurMur frá Egilsstöðum en þeir eru ungt og upprennandi band sem ætla sér stóra hluti. Við hvetjum því unglinga og ungt fólk á fjörðunum sérstaklega til að mæta en að sjálfsögu er…

  • Catie Newell

    Catie Newell

    Catie stayed with us during the month of November 2015. She is the founding principal of the art and architecture firm, Alibi Studio and an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Michigan. Her work and research captures spaces and material effects, focusing on the development of atmospheres through the exploration of textures, volumes, and…

  • Raitis Bobrovs

    Raitis Bobrovs

    Raitis Bobrovs came to stay with us in October 2015 and originally the plan was that he would stay for the next two months… but time kept passing and Raitis kept building, and building and fixing. In all Raitis stayed with us for 9 months and it felt like loosing an arm, leg or an…

  • Tomáš Lanča

    Tomáš Lanča

    Tomáš Lanča is a Czech gentleman who stayed with us a couple of weeks in October 2015 and along with Raitis he reorganized the storage room (which was frankly upside down) and built shelves and got everything into place. Tomáš also showed some great woodworking skills and built himself a beautiful xylophone during his stay…

  • 26th of September – Dútl & Moin Moin Concert

    26th of September – Dútl & Moin Moin Concert

    ENGLISH BELOW! Á tónleikum septembermánaðar koma fram hljómsveitn Dútl frá Neskaupsstað og Moin Moin frá Tékklandi. Plötusnúður hússins, Dj-Lightning Kane, frá Nýja Sjálandi mun svo leiða okkur inn í nóttina með öllum klassísku dansslögurunum sem fá hvern sem er til að dilla mjöðmunum og um að gera að mæta á dansskóm! Húsið opnar kl: 20:00…