Most recent posts
Coco is a volunteer from Germany who joined our forces during 2016 summer. At the moments she’s improving her master skill at *sparkling* and sanding the walls! :D Coco’s guitar music in the morning besides coffee is a reason to start great and productive day whatever is happening in our heads either outside the Fish Factory. She’s…
Ignas Janulis / visurbalta
Ignas Janulis joined our forces on the later half of the year 2016 and arrived to Stöðvarfjörður in the sunny month of July and stayed until the dark blue days of December had passed us by. Ignas is a young graphic designer from Lithuania and he is wonderful :D When he left he had improved and…
Gagnvirk Hljóðinnsetning & Opin Stúdíó Listamanna
Listakonurnar Julie Gendron & Emma Hendrix frá Kanada bjóða gestum og gangandi að taka þátt í gagnvirku hljóðinnsetningunni “Don’t, Stop” sem þær setja upp í Sköpunarmiðstöðinni dagana 13. og 14. ágúst. Húsið er opið frá kl: 13:00 – 18:00 báða dagana og heitt á könnunni. Julie og Emma hafa undafarin mánuð…
OPEN CALL / January–May 2017
OPEN CALL >> January – May 2017 << We’re sending out an OPEN CALL for all artists out there in the worldwide! We’re OPEN for your applications for January – May period of Residency program! About Fish Factory – Creative Centre The Creative Centre is located in Stöðvarfjörður, a remote village in the East fjords…
Benjamin Whitney Buhl
Benjamin Whitney Buhl is a third–year MFA program student at University of South Florida, USA, specialises in Multidisciplinary program in found object sculpting. Ben choose our Factory for Residency because of, as he says ‘Vibe’ – he was feeling really fitting in our ‘always in progress’ mood. ‘The less distractions – the better for…
Nele Moeller
Nele is a contemporary artist from Hamburg, Germany. She stayed with us during the months of May, June and July 2016. Her field of work is new media, from installations made with textile, to works of photography, audio and video. During her period of residency she did a lot of audio recordings in the…
PICTURES | Fish Factory England meets Fish Factory Stöðvarfjörður
Moments from Fish Factory England visiting Stöðvarfjörður:
Fish Factory England meets Fish Factory Stöðvarfjörður
Við bjóðum alla velkomna í Sköpunarmiðstöðina næsta þriðjudagskvöld, 12. júlí klukkan 8. Þar verða með okkur 7 listamenn úr tvíburaverkefninu okkar, Fish Factory Art Space í Falmouth, litlum bæ í suðvestur Englandi. Rose Hatcher, stofnandi verkefnisins mun segja okkur frá því verkefni og þar verða til sýnis listaverk ýmiskonar sem hópurinn hefur unnið hér í…
17JUNE ROCK the BOAT! Teitur Magnússon & Prins Póló
A free concert on 17th June in Breiðdalsvík, on an old boat which sits on the land in the centre of the town. On this day, the National Celebration day of Iceland, two household names shall take to the stage. Neither need much introduction!… Teitur Magnússon is a beatiful songwriter of effortless melody and verse.…
Marine Schneider
Marine Schneider is an illustrator from Brussels, Belgium. She came to the Fish Factory as an Artist in Residency in June 2016 with a specific project in mind, but the impact that the surrounding landscapes and the factory itself had on her made her change her mind completely. She started to experiment with wood, by…
28. maí Laugardagur: Barbecue & Jam Session video
Here is a compilation of videos from almost all the performances during the barbecue and jam session!
BLÚSHÁTÍÐ á Stöðvarfirði! / BLUES Festival!
Loksins BLÚSHÁTÍÐ á Stöðvarfirði! Takið síðustu helgina í maí frá því þá blúsum við veturinn burt og bjóðum sumarið velkomið :) Hátiðin er haldin í tónleikasal Sköpunarmiðstöðvarinnar á Stöðvarfirði, ókeypis aðgangur er á hátíðina og allir velkomnir ;D DAGSKRÁ 27. maí – Föstudagskvöld – húsið opnar kl: 20:00 Fjarðadætur MurMur The Borrowed Brass Blues Band…
21MAY Open Studios!
Artists in Residency for the month of May, Lavinia Hanachiuc, Marisa Molin and Nele Moeller welcomed visitors in their studios! It was a nice saturday morning to be around some art ;)
Lavinia Hanachiuc
Lavinia Hanachiuc is a Romanian-born ceramic artist and fine art photographer. She stayed with us during May 2016. Her work originates from an organic mélange of eastern European folklore and superstitions, Latin blood and memories from a childhood lived under an oppressive political regime. Her work is at times following the materials and it’s very…
Marisa Molin
Marisa is a contemporary jeweller and artist from Tasmania, Australia but currently lives in Norway. She undertook a residency in May 2016 to research the coastline of the east coast of Iceland. Her practice focuses on the appropriation and translation of textures and fragments, collected from walks along island shorelines. What is found is an…
Skólabúðir fyrir krakka í Fjardarbyggd
Intense and extremely fun days at the Fish Factory with the great and talented kids from the East! Workshops Strengir / Draumasmiðjan / Tjáning / Tónlist / Myndlist / Smíðar / Graffiti
14 MAY tónleikar Digvalley frá Noregi, AMBIENT SUMAR!
Norska ambient bandið Digvalley mun stíga á stokk í Sköpunarmiðstöðinni laugardaginn 14. maí, en þeir eru á tónleikaferð um Ísland nú á vordögum. Húsið opnar klukkan 21:00 og tónleikarnir sjálfir klukkan 21:30. Aðgangur á tónleikana er öllum opinn, og miðaverð er miðast við frjáls framlög. Boðið verður uppá kaffi og fleirra auk huggulegheita :) Sjáumst!…
Þrír klassískir Austfirðingar, 15th of April
Tríóið Þrjá klassíska Austfirðinga skipa Svanur Vilbergsson gítarleikari, Erla Dóra Vogler mezzósópran og Hildur Þórðardóttir flautuleikari. Á tónleikunum í ár verða m.a. frumflutt verk eftir þrjú austfirsk tónskáld, þau Báru Sigurjónsdóttur við ljóð Ingunnar Snædal, Charles Ross og Ingibjörgu Ýr Skarphéðinsdóttur. Að þessu sinni verða haldnir fernir tónleikar á Austurlandi: 14. apríl, kl. 20:00 –…
Sine Lindholm
Sine is an artist from Copenhagen, working mainly with architectural themes and space-based projects. She was in Residency at the Fish Factory during the month of April 2016. Her work here went from an installation drawing to a research about the village and the changing of it since the Fish Factory shut down. You can…
Creative workshops for VA (Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands)
Saturday, 2nd of April we had some workshops at the Factory for the students of Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands. It was such a great experience for all the participants. The workshops included performance, music, theater, meditation and green screen! So much fun! Below some pictures of this day:
Morgan Murphy
Morgan is a mixed media artist from Burlingame, California and she stayed with us during April 2016. She likes to create work around daily moments- conversations, dialogue, emotions- and try to capture them so they are not forgotten. She is interested in the combination of our real life experiences and our imaginary or emotional experiences…