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  • Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra styrkir Sköpunarmiðstöðina 2019-2021

    Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra styrkir Sköpunarmiðstöðina 2019-2021

    Sköpunarmiðstöðin á Stöðvarfirði hlaut 57.5 milljónir í verkefnastyrk frá Samgöngu- og sveitastjórnarráðherra nú í apríl 2019 á grundvelli stefnumótandi byggðaáætlunar fyrir árin 2018-2024. Mótframlag Fjarðabyggðar vegna styksins eru 14.375.000. Fjármununum verður varið í viðhald og viðgerðir á byggingu Sköpunarmiðstöðvarinnar. “Markmiðið með framlögum til sértækra verkefna sóknaráætlanasvæða er að tengja sóknaráætlanir landshluta við byggðaáætlun og færa…

  • Zheng Huang

    Zheng Huang

    Zheng Huang // March 2019 Zheng Huang is a Chinese art curator based in Paris, France. While Zheng´s usual art practice concerns criticism,  exhibition production and art curation, coming to Iceland Zheng shifted her interests towards using video as a media. Zheng Huang // March 2019 Zheng created a series of three short videos related…

  • Luowei Liao

    Luowei Liao

    Luowei Liao // March 2019 Luowei Liao is a Chinese visual artist based in Tokyo, Japan. Luowei joined us to admire Iceland waking up from its winter hibernation. Since Luowei lives in one of the most modern cities on our planet, she found surrounding nature extremely interesting and described being close to nature as the most enjoyable experience. She enjoyed long…

  • Ariel Kessler

    Ariel Kessler

    Ariel Kessler // March 2019 Ariel Kessler is a visual artist based in Boston, Massachusetts. She joined the Factory team for the month of March 2019. Ariel Kessler // March 2019 Ariel fell in love with Iceland, during her first visit to our beautiful country six years ago. When deciding on the residency destination, Iceland seemed…

  • Aaron Scott

    Aaron Scott

    Aaron Scott // February 2019 Aaron Scott is an American designer, based in New York City, who stayed with us for the month of February. Aaron Scott // February 2019 Aaron came to Iceland in search of a new direction for his work. He states that the landscape is being a huge factor and inspiration during his process…

  • Alfredo Esparza Cárdenas

    Alfredo Esparza Cárdenas

    Alfredo Esparza Cárdenas // February 2019 Alfredo Esparza Cárdenas is a Mexican photographer, who joined us for his third time in Stöðvarfjörður in February 2019. He describes the main subject of his interest as a relationship between human being and the environment. Alfredo Esparza Cárdenas // February 2019 Alfredo started his project connected to Söðvarfjörður in 2017…

  • Patricia Casey

    Patricia Casey

    Patricia Casey // February 2019 Patricia Casey is a visual artist, based in Sydney, Australia. During her first residency in Fish Factory, Patricia came to stay with us at the peak of Icelandic summer in June 2017. This time, hoping to experience real Icelandic winter, she decided to arrive in the windy and snowy month of February. Patricia…

  • Ruth Waterhouse

    Ruth Waterhouse

    Ruth Waterhouse // February 2019 Ruth Waterhouse is an illustrator coming from Cumbria, England. Living by the sea and the fells at home, Ruth wanted to discover the similarities and differences between the pace and characteristics of her homeland and small Icelandic town of Stöðvarförður. Ruth Waterhouse // February 2019 Before arriving at the Creative Centre, Ruth´s…

  • Elisabeth Kuklenyik

    Elisabeth Kuklenyik

    Elisabeth Kuklenyik // February 2019 Elisabeth Kuklenyik is a Chicago based comics artist, illustrator and educator. She stayed with us in the cold and icy month of February. Elisabeth joined us to work on her comic book series My Mother of Old Bones. The story is a mixture of biographical threads and explorational journeys into Elisabeth´s Eastern European roots.…

  • Alec Aita

    Alec Aita

      Alec Aita // January, February 2019 Alec Aita is an American visual artist based in Berlin, Maryland, who joined us for the cold months of January and February. Alec earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Salisbury University. Alec Aita // January, February 2019 During his residency time in Fish Factory, Alec decided to switch his sculptural…

  • Tape Camp Iceland 2019

    Tape Camp Iceland 2019

    MARA MACHINES & WELCOME TO 1979 ARE TEAMING UP WITH  STUDIO SILO FOR THE VERY FIRST TAPE CAMP IN ICELAND! Tape Camp Iceland will be held on 8-10 of June 2019. The project is supported by Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands and Tónlistarmiðstöð Austurland. The three-day workshop is limited to ten people. We keep the attendance numbers small to provide a…

  • Laura Casassas

    Laura Casassas

    Laura Casassas // January 2019 Laura Casassas is a design researcher and educator from Barcelona. She joined us for the snowy month of January. During her stay with us, Laura worked on writing and revisiting her master thesis Using is caring (about), in which she questions the field of critical design and its relation with…

  • Inkeri Viljanen

    Inkeri Viljanen

    Inkeri Viljanen // January 2019 Inkeri Viljanen is a Finnish painter based in Vasa, Finland and stayed with us for the month of January 2019. Inkeri describes her dark sense of humour and other human beings as her main inspiration, emphasizing that art does not have to be serious. During her residency, Inkeri was working on…

  • Uppbyggingasjóður Austurlands Grant Awards 2019

    Uppbyggingasjóður Austurlands Grant Awards 2019

    Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands hands out cultural and innovation grants yearly for individuals and projects in East Iceland. We were fortunate to receive two of these grants this year;  one for Tape Camp, a tape recording course taught by Chris Mara from Welcome to 1979 Studios in Nashville and a grant towards the salary cost of managing…

  • Irmak Dönmez

    Irmak Dönmez

    Irmak Donmez // July-December Irmak Donmez is a visual artist from Istanbul, Turkey and she joined the factory team as an intern in the heights of summer in July 2018.She stayed with us into the snowfall of December. She helped us with residencies office work, artist interviews, petting the plants and running the residencies social…

  • Niko Mitsuko

    Niko Mitsuko

    Niko Mitsuko // November 2018 Niko Mitsuko is an American artist working in fields of painting, photography and mixed media. She was staying with us in the month of November 2018. In the past years, Niko has established herself as a professional artist working with galleries across the United States and Europe. Believing that art is a…

  • Áine Kelly

    Áine Kelly

    Áine Kelly // November 2018 Áine Kelly is an Irish visual artist specialising in photography and sculpture. She graduated in Fine Art from the Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork in 2016. Áine Kelly // November 2018 During her time with us, she made work with ice that was often foraged from the mountains…

  • Santiago Zarzosa

    Santiago Zarzosa

    Santiago Zarzosa // November 2018 Santiago Zarzosa is a European artist based in Minneapolis, MN USA. He was born and educated in Spain. He has been exhibiting and selling his works over the last few decades. Zarzosa works predominantly with oil painting, drawing and etching. During the residency in November 2018, he expanded his multidisciplinary…

  • Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra styrkir Sköpunarmiðstöðina 2018

    Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra styrkir Sköpunarmiðstöðina 2018

    Sköpunarmiðstöðin á Stöðvarfirði hlaut 5 milljónir í verkefnastyrk frá Samgöngu- og sveitastjórnarráðherra nú í nóvember 2018 á grundvelli stefnumótandi byggðaáætlunar fyrir árin 2018-20. Mótframlag Fjarðabyggðar vegna styrksins eru 5 milljónir. Fjármununum verður varið í viðhald og viðgerðir á byggingu Sköpunarmiðstöðvarinnar. “Markmiðið með framlögum til sértækra verkefna sóknaráætlanasvæða er að tengja sóknaráætlanir landshluta við byggðaáætlun og…

  • Mikkel Odehnalu

    Mikkel Odehnalu

    Mikkel Odehnalu // October 2018 Mikkel was with us in the month of October. He is an animator and lives in the Czech Republic where he studies PhD in arts at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín where he also did MA at the Department of the Animation. His works are mainly focused on nature,…

  • Courtney Powell

    Courtney Powell

    Courtney Powell // October 2018 Courtney Powell is a Canadian artist, based out of Vancouver, BC, and was with us for October 2018.  She is a muralist and painter, and obtained her BFA from York University. During her residency, Courtney created a mural featuring Iceland’s national flower, mountain avens, and two of its birds, the arctic tern…

  • Nika Winn

    Nika Winn

    Nika Winn // October 2018 Nika Winn is a visual artist from Kansas City, MO in the United States. She spent the month of October 2018 at the Fish Factory to explore new modes of working in her studio practice. During her time here Nika worked with canvas that she painted, cut out and then…

  • Ben Davis

    Ben Davis

    Ben Davis // October 2018 Ben Davis is a photographic artist and bookmaker from the Greater New York City area. He was with us for the month of October 2018. While at the Fish Factory he spent a lot of time exploring the fjord and surrounding mountains/landscape. He also started to experiment with night photography.…

  • Christopher Johns

    Christopher Johns

    Christopher Johns // October 2018 Christopher Johnsey is a painter from Sheffield in the UK.  He studied BA Fine Art at Middlesex University, London, graduating in 2010. Chris makes reportage drawings and paintings, poetry and sound recordings, exploring the relationship between the environment and the human race, and our impact. During his month with us in October,…