Author: Una Sigurðardóttir

  • Uppbyggingasjóður Austurlands Grant Awards 2020

    Uppbyggingasjóður Austurlands Grant Awards 2020

    Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands hands out cultural and innovation grants yearly for individuals and projects in East Iceland. We were fortunate to receive a grant this year towards the salary cost of managing the Centre. We will also be hosting a Concert series in collaboration with Tónlistarmiðstöð Austurlands and this project got funding as well

    We are wholeheartedly grateful for the support :)


  • Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra styrkir Sköpunarmiðstöðina 2019-2021

    Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra styrkir Sköpunarmiðstöðina 2019-2021

    Sköpunarmiðstöðin á Stöðvarfirði hlaut 57.5 milljónir í verkefnastyrk frá Samgöngu- og sveitastjórnarráðherra nú í apríl 2019 á grundvelli stefnumótandi byggðaáætlunar fyrir árin 2018-2024. Mótframlag Fjarðabyggðar vegna styksins eru 14.375.000. Fjármununum verður varið í viðhald og viðgerðir á byggingu Sköpunarmiðstöðvarinnar.

    “Markmiðið með framlögum til sértækra verkefna sóknaráætlanasvæða er að tengja sóknaráætlanir landshluta við byggðaáætlun og færa heimafólki aukna ábyrgð á ráðstöfun fjármuna. Áhersla er lögð á að styrkja svæði þar sem er langvarandi fólksfækkun, atvinnuleysi og einhæft atvinnulíf. Verkefni sem hljóta styrk skulu nýtast einstökum svæðum eða byggðarlögum innan landshlutans, eða landshlutanum í heild. “

    Hér má lesa meira um styrkveitinguna:





  • Uppbyggingasjóður Austurlands Grant Awards 2019

    Uppbyggingasjóður Austurlands Grant Awards 2019

    Uppbyggingasjodur 2019
    From the Grants Awarding Ceremony in Valaskjálf 2019

    Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands hands out cultural and innovation grants yearly for individuals and projects in East Iceland. We were fortunate to receive two of these grants this year;  one for Tape Camp, a tape recording course taught by Chris Mara from Welcome to 1979 Studios in Nashville and a grant towards the salary cost of managing the Centre.

    Our hearts are full of gratitude !



  • Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra styrkir Sköpunarmiðstöðina 2018

    Samgöngu- og sveitarstjórnarráðherra styrkir Sköpunarmiðstöðina 2018

    Sköpunarmiðstöðin á Stöðvarfirði hlaut 5 milljónir í verkefnastyrk frá Samgöngu- og sveitastjórnarráðherra nú í nóvember 2018 á grundvelli stefnumótandi byggðaáætlunar fyrir árin 2018-20. Mótframlag Fjarðabyggðar vegna styrksins eru 5 milljónir. Fjármununum verður varið í viðhald og viðgerðir á byggingu Sköpunarmiðstöðvarinnar.

    “Markmiðið með framlögum til sértækra verkefna sóknaráætlanasvæða er að tengja sóknaráætlanir landshluta við byggðaáætlun og færa heimafólki aukna ábyrgð á ráðstöfun fjármuna. Áhersla er lögð á að styrkja svæði þar sem er langvarandi fólksfækkun, atvinnuleysi og einhæft atvinnulíf. Verkefni sem hljóta styrk skulu nýtast einstökum svæðum eða byggðarlögum innan landshlutans, eða landshlutanum í heild. “

    Hér má lesa meira um styrkveitinguna:

  • Edward Zorbaugh

    Edward Zorbaugh

    Ed working his magic

    Ed is from the USA and came to work with us for the summer of 2017. He is one of those people who can do just about anything as well as being a great company! During those summer months he installed a gearbox into the factory van with Vinny, took part in finalized the air conditioning system in Studio Silo and faced one of the biggest concrete fixings on the building that we have ever undertaken.

    Jessica, Jonathan and Ed at the raft competition of Stöðvarfjörður

    Ed spearheaded the building of the Fish Factory Vessel for the raft competition of Stöðvarfjöður and along with Jessica Woodrow and Jonathan Hafner brought about the absolute victory in the competition!

  • Jessica Woodrow

    Jessica Woodrow

    JessicaJessica Woodrow is from England and joined the factory team in the heights of summer in July 2017 and stayed with us into snowfall of December.  Jessica took on the role like a champion and helped us running the factory with humor and determination.

    The RaftDuring her stay she earned her self the nickname Captain Jess as she headed our team to victory in a thrilling raft competition during Pólar festival 2017.  She also teamed up with us in painting and fixing up concrete damages on the Silo tower of the factory, which was nothing short of a massive undertake.  Along with our volunteer Coco she renovated a new artist house for the factory and they also saved a duck from an oil spill by giving her a thorough cleaning. That duck was named Shell and in our best knowledge lived a happy life after the ordeal.

    There is a Icelandic saying, “að eiga sér hauk í horni” and it roughly translates as “to have a hawk on you side”, meaning that you have an ally or a helpful person beside you. And maybe that describes Jess well because she proved to be that hawk by our side and it was truly a pleasure to have her on board.  A funny thing and a beautiful side note to this is that during her six month stay we saw hawks on two occasions, and that is a rare sight to see.

  • Nisa Nur Sayan

    Nisa Nur Sayan

    Nisa Nur Sayan, March 2017
    Nisa Nur Sayan, March 2017

    Nisa Nur Sayan came all the way from Turkey to join our internship program. She arrived to Stöðvarfjörður in the cold and dark winter days of January 2017. For the next six months she stayed with us, working her magic in the office, until the ever-bright nights of June came about.

    Nisa & Skotta, June 2017
    Nisa & Skotta, June 2017

    Every Intern that has stayed with us has had their own special field of interests. Nisa developed a keen interest and insightful focus on the making of video interviews with the Residency Artists, as well as photographing their artwork for their individual profiles on our website. As a result she delivered a carefully attended portrait of their works and practice.

    When Nisa arrived, she had a full suitcase with all you need to make delicious Turkish food. What followed was a delightful dining experience for all team members of the factory and a great introduction to Turkish culture! But Nisa is not only a great chef, she also harbors artistic talents and creativity which she was able to explore with us during her time here.

    Nisa is in all manners a kind-hearted diplomat and a dear member of the Fish Factory Family.

    Nisa, Jonathan, Lilly and Claudia, March 2017
    Nisa, Jonathan, Lilly and Claudia, March 2017


  • Jonathan Hafner

    Jonathan Hafner

    Jonathan, Tumi (the dog) & Peter, March 2017
    Jonathan, Tumi (the dog) & Peter in Studio Silo, March 2017

    Jonathan Hafner is from Germany and he came to us in February 2017 and will be volunteering with us for the next months on all sorts of carpentry task for Studio Silo and the Factory as a whole :D

  • The Super Slinky

    The Super Slinky

    The Super Slinky
    The Super Slinky,
    The Super Slinky, a Stereo Tube Reverberator

    The Super Slinky A massive Stereo Spring Reverb unit with a massive sound. Fully discrete Class-A signal path, powered only by vacuum tubes and JFET transistors. Overdrive it into sweet harmonic tube distortion and make it howl with innovative Feedback and Cross-Feed controls. Adding that analog tube warmth and lucious spring reverb to your tracks is super easy in one box. Highest quality springs that don’t sound so springy!

    • Two Type-9 Accutronics Reverb tanks give luscious, thick reverberation through a total of 12 springs
    • Long decay time of over 4 seconds, with the option to connect different tanks to channel B at the rear
    • Transformerless Pentode Driver stages giving flatter frequency response than conventional low impedance systems found in most reverbs
    • Switchable Low-Cut filter on drive stage cutting at 200Hz or 600Hz, or off allowing all frequencies in
    • Large VU Meter displaying drive strength and calibrated to indicate tube clipping in the red zone
    • Low noise discrete reverb recovery using a hand-selected JFET followed by a 12AX7 triode amplifier
    • Innovative Feedback control which allows slow feedback of the reverb signal, and self-oscillation
    • Cross-feed switch gives bigger depth to a stereo source, putting the wet signals to opposite sides
    • Bass & Treble cut controls, defeatable when Treble is turned fully CCW
    • Transformer-balanced 600 ohm inputs and outputs on XLR connectors
    • 3U standard 19 inch rack case, 350mm deep with removable mesh cover
    • Laser-cut red plexiglass panel with white and gold painted engravings

    Please contact Vinny regarding the latest pricing and customised options for this product.

    The Super Slinky


  • FETA 76-A

    FETA 76-A

    FETA 76-A, a Discrete JFET Compression Amplifier

    The FETA may not seem like the king of cheeses, but this thing really wins in the flavour competition amongst solid-state compressors. Based on the renowned UREI 1176-Rev.A this device gives all the aggression and artifacts of the original with some handy added features that make it easier to use. Two independent but linkable compressors in one 2U case gives big space saving with a huge uncompromised sound.

    • Fully Discrete Class-A signal path with no op-amps involved
    • Large adjacent VU meters to monitor Gain Reduction or Output level
    • Rugged Bourns T-Pad input attenuators & Alpha pots throughout
    • Hand-selected transistors throughout, stereo matched for gain
    • Fully independant power supplies with common power transformer
    • Gain Reduction defeatable to allow for colouring of the signal without compression
    • Transformer-balanced inputs and outputs (XLR) using Cinemag and Anderson Iron
    • 2U standard 19 inch rack case, 300mm deep
    • Laser-cut black plexiglass panel with white painted engravings
    • *With optional RCA knobs as seen on photos

    Please contact Vinny regarding the latest pricing and customised options for this product.

    Feta 76-A



  • The Black Bottle

    The Black Bottle

    Black Bottle
    Black Bottle
    The Black Bottle, a Thermionic Compression Amplifier

    A rare variation of Vari-Mu Compression Amplifier using vintage black metal tubes from the 1950s era made by RCA, which are hand selected. Largely inspired by the infamous Federal AM864U US Navy Broadcast Limiter, with many additions and improvements. With oodles of gain and an aggressive non-feedback controlled 6SN7 output stage, this ancient-looking device is capable of wonderfully fat compression and meaty distortions in many flavours.

    • All-tube balanced signal path with sweet overdrive tones and harmonics when pushed
    • Max gain of 36dB, making it usable as a mic pre-amp/comp. on loud sources
    • Large vintage meter switchable between Gain Reduction and Output level-Stepped Attack & Release controls with times of 5-100ms & 0.1-2s respectively- 6-step Output Attenuator
    • Stereo Link switch for tying a pair of Black Bottle units together at their side chain
    • Transformer-balanced 600 ohm input and output on XLR sockets (output pre-loaded internally)
    • 3U standard 19 inch rack case, 230mm deep including tubes and transformer at the rear
    • Laser-cut black plexiglass panel with white and gold painted engravings

    Please contact Vinny regarding the latest pricing and customised options for this product.


    The Black Bottle

  • Michal Somoš

    Michal Somoš

    _MG_5939Michal Somoš stayed with us during November 2016 and we could really have had him a bit longer :) Michal could not only do everything, he was also a great company. During his stay he was a massive help in the making of the ventilation system for Studio Silo and he also sorted out some lighting system for the Concert hall !!


  • Ignas Janulis / visurbalta

    Ignas Janulis / visurbalta

    Ignas Janulis joined our forces on the later half of the year 2016 and arrived to Stöðvarfjörður in the sunny month of July and stayed until the dark blue days of December had passed us by. Ignas is a young graphic designer from Lithuania and he is wonderful :D  When he left he had improved and fine tuned many aspects of the residency management and the visual outputs of the Factory, f.x. here on this website and on our social media sites.

    We had some pretty busy times during this period, and there was Ignas, this warm chilled out guy taking care of stuff, managing stuff and helping us out every step on the way in this crazy ass project. One of the big pushes we did during this period was to finish the new shared studio space for visiting Artists. During that time Ignas always made sure we had a daily dose of listening to Air on the stereo while he did some impressive work with a paint brush. So many tasks and missions emerged over a period of 6 months and Ignas was independent and on the ball, not to mention how damn good he was at wiring up lights with Vinny.

    Ignas loves to drive and with any chance he headed off in the Green Thunder, up for every mission possible; artist pick ups, grocery shopping and swimming pool trips. We will miss him and we wish him godspeed on his journeys… but not to fast though :D

  • Þrír klassískir Austfirðingar, 15th of April

    Þrír klassískir Austfirðingar, 15th of April

    12901194_10153597643333391_5810880364772751571_oTríóið Þrjá klassíska Austfirðinga skipa Svanur Vilbergsson gítarleikari, Erla Dóra Vogler mezzósópran og Hildur Þórðardóttir flautuleikari.

    Á tónleikunum í ár verða m.a. frumflutt verk eftir þrjú austfirsk tónskáld, þau Báru Sigurjónsdóttur við ljóð Ingunnar Snædal, Charles Ross og Ingibjörgu Ýr Skarphéðinsdóttur.

    Að þessu sinni verða haldnir fernir tónleikar á Austurlandi:
    14. apríl, kl. 20:00 – Neskaupstaður, safnaðarheimilið
    15. apríl, kl. 20:00 – Stöðvarfjörður, Sköpunarmiðstöðin
    16. apríl, kl. 17:00 – Djúpivogur, Djúpavogskirkja
    17. apríl, kl. 16:00 – Egilsstaðir, Sláturhúsið

    Miðaverð er 1.500 kr.
    Frítt fyrir 12 ára og yngri sem og nemendur við tónlistarskóla á Austurlandi.

    Tónleikarnir og gerð tónverkanna er styrkt af Uppbyggingarsjóði Austurlands. Við kunnum sjóðnum og þeim sem að honum standa bestu þakkir fyrir stuðninginn.

  • Umfjöllun á N4 um miðstöðina

    Umfjöllun á N4 um miðstöðina

    Umfjöllun um miðstöðina á N4, viðtalið hefst á 6:20 mínútu.

  • Slipping & Sliding !

    Slipping & Sliding !

    The crew got out to play on a snowy Sunday and brought with them just about everything that could possible pass as a sleigh…

  • Comhghan Locke & Harry Humphreys

    Comhghan Locke & Harry Humphreys

    12814770_10209418348922088_568896072055780391_nComhghan & Harry are a pair of Irish gemstones who joined us up for a week in the month of February 2016. These geniuses brought with them music and singing and some crazy car mechanic skills! :D

  • Karaoke Night on 20th of February!

    Karaoke Night on 20th of February!

    Það verður Karaoke fjör í Frystihúsinu á laugardagskvöldið 20 febrúar! Húsið opnar klukkan 21:00 og verður diskóljós, bjór og kaffi! DJ.-ÓK mun svo þeyta skífum fram á rauða nóttina með öllum bestu slögurunum!  Aðgangur er ókeypis og munið… what happens on Karaoke nights, stays in Karaoke nights :)

    Endilega bjóði vinum og deilið viðburðinum :)

    Liðsheild Sköpunarmiðstöðvarinnar…. í glimmer :)

  • Grants from Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands 2016

    Grants from Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands 2016

    IMG_7150We are very proud and happy to announce that we received two grants from Uppbyggingarsjóð Austurlands this year. Our recording studio, Studio Silo was granted funds to finalize the building and the second grant we received to continue fixing up the building as a whole. Thank you! We are very grateful :)

    12688389_976526015773341_301633345613880701_nHere you can find an article from Austurbrú about the Uppbyggingarsjóður Austurlands and the Grant recipients.


  • Lucy Willow

    Lucy Willow

    IMG_20151217_170507Lucy Willow is a british artist who stayed with us for the month of July 2015. She proposed to generate a new body of drawings, sound recordings and written narrative responding directly to the location. She is interested in giving form to the idea of liminal space, the imagined space of limbo, a space possibly between life and death.

    Here, you can find more of her amazing work:

  • Tara Benjamin-Morgan

    Tara Benjamin-Morgan

    12308555_10153865751044736_4809438021014824674_nTara Benjamin is an artist from UK, who lives and works between London and Oxford. She stayed with us during the month of December 2015, looking for something new to let the “everyday” go.

    She was interested in immerse herself into the landscape surroundings here and thus challenge her works, getting into much larger pieces. The physical and psychological space that would be reflected in her work played a big role in the motivation of Tara to come here.

    You can see more of what she is doing and she has done:

  • Mooni Perry

    Mooni Perry

    IMG_20151218_133211Moony is a south korean artist, based in London. She stayed in Residency for the month of December 2015.

    Her work combines abstract drawings, sculptures and installation, using a variety of materials. Moony wanted to take inspiration from the winter here.

    You can visit her web:


  • Sunrise Coffee in Studio Silo

    Sunrise Coffee in Studio Silo

    IMG_6620After fitting a window in Studio Silo, Vinny, Una, Raitis and Catie gathered together the morning after to celebrate the first sunrise that could be seen from that view… and what a view. During these last dark months of the year, in November and December, the sun is such a welcoming sight to see.