Author: Elena
17JUNE ROCK the BOAT! Teitur Magnússon & Prins Póló
Rock the Boat poster A free concert on 17th June in Breiðdalsvík, on an old boat which sits on the land in the centre of the town. On this day, the National Celebration day of Iceland, two household names shall take to the stage. Neither need much introduction!…
Teitur Magnússon is a beatiful songwriter of effortless melody and verse. Last year he was nominated for the Nordic Music Prize along with Björk. His tracks were always on National Radio after the album’s release, and his songs have become the blissful earworms of all but a few Icelanders! When the time to Rock the Boat comes around, Teitur will be accompanied by his Eastern backing band comprising of Jón Knútur Ásmundsson on drums, Vinny Vamos on Bass, and Dóri Waren on keyboards. You will sing, you will dance, it will be beautiful!…
Prins Póló has gained the status of nothing short of Pop legend over the past years. In 2014 alone he got Album of the Year, Song of the Year, and even made it onto a film soundtrack! The music is Pop but with wonderfully raw and simple edges to it. Lyrically brilliant with a whit that is rarely heard in today’s music releases. He will grace the stage with full band and keep it kicking until the finish. You will dance and dance some more, you will be merry, it will be spectacular!!!!
Marine Schneider
Marine Schneider Marine Schneider is an illustrator from Brussels, Belgium. She came to the Fish Factory as an Artist in Residency in June 2016 with a specific project in mind, but the impact that the surrounding landscapes and the factory itself had on her made her change her mind completely. She started to experiment with wood, by turning her drawings on paper into 3D sculptures made out of leftovers wood. Quickly, the sculptures became less and less controlled and more and more inspired by the shapes of the pieces of wood she could find.
Marine´s web site:
Marine Schneider Thank you, Marine!
28. maí Laugardagur: Barbecue & Jam Session video
Here is a compilation of videos from almost all the performances during the barbecue and jam session!
BLÚSHÁTÍÐ concert pictures!
Blúshátíð Blúshátíð Blúshátíð Blúshátíð Blúshátíð Blúshátíð Blúshátíð Blúshátíð Blúshátíð Blúshátíð -
BLÚSHÁTÍÐ á Stöðvarfirði! / BLUES Festival!
Loksins BLÚSHÁTÍÐ á Stöðvarfirði!
Takið síðustu helgina í maí frá því þá blúsum við veturinn burt og bjóðum sumarið velkomið :) Hátiðin er haldin í tónleikasal Sköpunarmiðstöðvarinnar á Stöðvarfirði, ókeypis aðgangur er á hátíðina og allir velkomnir ;D
27. maí – Föstudagskvöld – húsið opnar kl: 20:00Fjarðadætur
The Borrowed Brass Blues Band
Guðgeir Björnsson28. maí – Laugardagur – kl: 14:00
Jam session – Í Bankakjallaranum fyrir utan miðstöðina ef veður leyfir, annars inni í Tónleikasal. Allir þátttakendur velkomnir, heitt verður í kolunum og við hvetjum fólk til að koma með eitthvað gott á grillið og njóta dagsins.
28. maí – Laugardagskvöld – húsið opnar kl: 20:00
Blúsband Bjössa Sigfinns
Máni & the Roadkillers
Blúsbrot Garðars HarðarSérstakt tilboð er á gistingu og veitingum á SAXA Guesthouse yfir hátíðina. Nánari upplýsingar í síma: 511 3055 eða í Svartholið Guesthouse styrkir hátíðina um gistingu fyrir listafólkið.
Lavinia Hanachiuc
Lavinia Hanachiuc is a Romanian-born ceramic artist and fine art photographer. She stayed with us during May 2016. Her work originates from an organic mélange of eastern European folklore and superstitions, Latin blood and memories from a childhood lived under an oppressive political regime. Her work is at times following the materials and it’s very short lived , designed to interact with the audience at community events. Hanachiuc has resided in the United States since completing her university studies and has continued to create art and teach the thrill of chasing ideas and making beautiful objects to a wide audience. She is based in Ann Arbor , Mi.
check out more of her work:
Here you can watch an interview we did with her:
Thank you, Lavinia!
Marisa Molin
Marisa is a contemporary jeweller and artist from Tasmania, Australia but currently lives in Norway. She undertook a residency in May 2016 to research the coastline of the east coast of Iceland. Her practice focuses on the appropriation and translation of textures and fragments, collected from walks along island shorelines. What is found is an interesting reflection on the island’s coast. Often it explores migration, plastic debris from industry, geology, marine life etc. Marisa takes the fragments and their secret narratives in the studio and translates them into wearable objects.
By doing so, she creates a collective and visual dialogue about an island, as each island is unique.
Check out more of her work: See more of her work: Marisa´s interview here:
Thank you, Marisa!
Skólabúðir fyrir krakka í Fjardarbyggd
Intense and extremely fun days at the Fish Factory with the great and talented kids from the East!
Strengir / Draumasmiðjan / Tjáning / Tónlist / Myndlist / Smíðar / Graffiti
Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir Skólabúðir -
14 MAY tónleikar Digvalley frá Noregi, AMBIENT SUMAR!
Norska ambient bandið Digvalley mun stíga á stokk í Sköpunarmiðstöðinni laugardaginn 14. maí, en þeir eru á tónleikaferð um Ísland nú á vordögum. Húsið opnar klukkan 21:00 og tónleikarnir sjálfir klukkan 21:30. Aðgangur á tónleikana er öllum opinn, og miðaverð er miðast við frjáls framlög. Boðið verður uppá kaffi og fleirra auk huggulegheita :) Sjáumst!
Tónlist Digvalley er fögur, eilítið angurvær og sveipuð dulúð. Þeir sækja innblástur sinn í smiðju singer-songwriter hefðinarinnar og ambient rokks. Fyrsta breiðskífa bandsins kemur út í 19. Apríl nú í ár.
Bandið skipa:Gítar, söngur og lagasmíðar: Eirik Bøen Gravdal
Trommur – Kim Christer Hylland
Bassi – Ruben Aksnes
Gítar – Odd Erlend MikkelsenHér er hægt að hlusta á þá félaga og lesa um þá:
Spotify: 7g8eX3Nl7pb9tcOxFi1ABb
iTunes: id1052540514
Hailing from Odda, Norway; Digvalley is the multi-instrumental music productions of Eirik Bøen Gravdal. Digvalley carries the contrast from singer-songwriting to majestic ambient rock, complemented with dark melancholy lyrics. They are going on tour around the entire island of Iceland this May and you can catch them here at the Fish Factory! A roundtrip of nine gigs!
The Debut album will be released 19th of August this year and we can’t wait to hear it!The band:
Guitar, vocals, production – Eirik Bøen Gravdal
Drums – Kim Christer Hylland
Bass – Ruben Aksnes
Guitar – Odd Erlend MikkelsenYou can listen and read about them here, including debut EP I Can’t Tell released 13/11-15:
Spotify: 7g8eX3Nl7pb9tcOxFi1ABb
iTunes: id1052540514 There will be no set entrance fee, but donations are very much appreciated! Whatever you can afford or think is fair ;-) Doors open 9pm, and concert at 9:30pm. See you there!!!
Sine Lindholm
Sine is an artist from Copenhagen, working mainly with architectural themes and space-based projects. She was in Residency at the Fish Factory during the month of April 2016. Her work here went from an installation drawing to a research about the village and the changing of it since the Fish Factory shut down.
You can browse her web: can watch interview with her here:
Thank you, Sine!
Creative workshops for VA (Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands)
Saturday, 2nd of April we had some workshops at the Factory for the students of Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands. It was such a great experience for all the participants. The workshops included performance, music, theater, meditation and green screen! So much fun! Below some pictures of this day:
Morgan Murphy
Morgan is a mixed media artist from Burlingame, California and she stayed with us during April 2016. She likes to create work around daily moments- conversations, dialogue, emotions- and try to capture them so they are not forgotten. She is interested in the combination of our real life experiences and our imaginary or emotional experiences as we live life. She likes to experiment with different techniques and mediums (like rocks in Stöðvarfjörður!), rip up the pages to tinier and tinier pieces, and make things on a messy desk.
You can see more of her work here: see her interview here:
Thank you, Morgan!
Laura Arena
Laura Arena is an artist, designer, curator, and writer living in New York City and sometimes in other places. She stayed with us during the months of March and April 2016.
For her project in Iceland and to be continued in Greenland she made a site where you can see the work: interview here:
Thank you, Laura!
Lana Schneider
Lana is an artist from Gent (Belgium) and stayed with us in Residency for the month of March in 2016. Her works are usually wall drawings, taking inspiration from geometry and conceptualism. During her stay she worked with 3D forms and the representation of rocks in photography and through computer work. Following the same ideas she did an amazing installation.
If you want to see more of Lana’s work you can visit her website
Watch her interview here:
Thank you, Lana!
David Andrew
David Andrew is a writer and a poet from the UK and he was an artist in Residency during March 2016. David is a member of the Green Party in UK and he spent his time here reading and writing about how to get by with less things.
Website as poet and company director: can watch David´s interview here:
Thank you, David!
Simeon Goodwin
Simeon Goodwin Simeon is a sustainable designer and craftsman working with seaweed who stayed with us during February 2016. Originally from Liverpool, UK, In Stöðvarfjörður he worked to create pieces from local seaweeds. He created a small range of lamps and other objects from dried seaweed which did not require any other materials or adhesives. These pieces are also completely disposable, and once wet, will fall apart. Part of the beauty of these pieces is just that – they are ephemeral and can return to nature as compostable waste with just a small amount of water.
Artist web: Interview:
Sif Yraola
Sif Yraola, half Icelandic, half Spanish, came during the last week of February and stayed until the beginning of May 2016. Sif help with all sorts of stuff at the Centre, like organizing the Paint Storage with our friend Saga Ásgeirsdóttir (true passion), helped organizing a 3 day study visit to the Centre for all 12 year old elementary students in Fjarðabyggð and lead a workshop with her friend Chris. During her stay Sif also took care of morning meditations which many of our Residency Artist took part in with great success!
Tom Allon
Tom came all the way from Israel to join us up for the months of February and March 2016. Tom helped us with wiring Studio Silo, but his true passion was found when he started to clear out heaps of scrap metal and reorganize the electric workshop. He also lead a great music workshop with Vinny for the kids in Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands :)
Tom is a talented musician and he played music with us and did some jam sessions in the Concert Hall. His specialty for every dinner party was grand plates of delicious Hummus!
Elena Pérez-Ardá López
Elena is from Spain and came to us on a chilly morning in the beginning of January 2016. She stayed with us for 6 months and truly became a member of the Fish Factory Family. During her stay Elena took part in many events in that took place in the factory, several concerts, the Blues Festival, Karaoke nights, Open Studio Days and so on.
Elena also took part in organizing and teaching workshops with the local kids and teenagers along with our brilliant long term volunteer Raitis Bobrovs. Elena, Raitis and Una are also the funding members of the international swimming team of the Factory, International Dolphins :)
Raitis Bobrovs
Raitis Bobrovs came to stay with us in October 2015 and originally the plan was that he would stay for the next two months… but time kept passing and Raitis kept building, and building and fixing. In all Raitis stayed with us for 9 months and it felt like loosing an arm, leg or an eye when he left us… life was not the same. Raitis became a truly dear friend and a strong backbone in our ever growing family. He is such a talented and creative person and one day… we hope he will be back and to throw some pots and build some crazy ass furniture from scrap!
Raitis did an unbelievable amount of work in the Factory, and just to mention a few, he helped us with the building of Studio Silo, completely revamped the wood workshop, raised the walls of the new ceramic workshop and bigger artist studio, managed creative workshops with Elena, fixed the roof, held our hand during some plumbing moments, threw away copious amounts of scrap metal, built doors and fitted windows and he could just about do everything! Not to mention that Raitis is also a doctor in chemistry… :) Wow.
Raitis, Elena and Nele -
Oscar Tsai
Oscar is an illustrator from Taipei who stayed with us during September 2015. He studied information management in university and barely painted or do some artworks before 2011. He says he started painting in 2011 because of a heart-broken accident. Initially, he just wanted to paint something to release sorrow. In the process, he found there was so much fun in painting. He started posting works on the internet and then received some positive feedbacks. In his experience, he learned how to paint after painting. During his residency here he was interested about the melting of the Arctic Sea.
To see his work: