Studio Silo is a Professional five room Recording Studio within the Fish Factory Creative Centre of Stöðvarförður. We offer both digital and analog recording, and we specialise in recording to tape, just as it was always done before the advent of computers and digital audio.

The Studio is situated on the upper floor of the Factory within the old Ice Silo and it has a striking view into the opening of the fjord. Because of it’s former function the space is thoroughly insulated, resulting in an excellent acoustic isolation as well. We believe that Stöðvarförður is an inspiring place to be and that is one thing that makes Studio Silo a very desirable and magical place to play and record music.
The entire facility is designed by Acoustics Engineer and Designer John H. Brandt from Texas, USA. With over 40 years experience designing Studios & Auditoriums worldwide, John has made sure that every aspect of the design meets the highest professional standard. Therefore geometrics, acoustic treatment and ergonomics come together to create a fluent working environment that does not strain the ears, or the eyes. HERE is an interesting interview with John about his work.

Studio Silo is a cosy and peaceful environment with plenty of natural daylight and warm colours. The carpentry is meticulously crafted and the styling is laid back and almost neutral. The studio is equipped with a vast array of equipment, including many staple favourites as well as unique pieces only to be found in our studio. Each piece of vintage gear that we take under our wing is restored by our in-house Engineer Vinny, in his Atomic Analog lab (more on that later). We are one of the few Studios in Iceland which has the ability to record to multitrack tape with a purely analog signal chain, and the only Studio in the land which specialises in the fully analog process. With an extensive range of outboard gear, an Amek Angela mixing console, and many tape machines, we can bring your music from first take to master tape with no digital whatsoever, providing a truly analog end-product. On the other hand we also have 32 channels of cutting-edge Antelope converters patchable in-line with our console and a newly built Mac machine. So you can work an entire session solely on tape and then transfer to digital at the end, have the best of both worlds, working between tape and DAW, or solely work within the computer yet still take advantage of our recording console, and racks of preamps and processors.
Studio Silo is available to Artists on our Residency Programme at a discounted rate.