Hester Aspland

Hester Aspland is an illustrator and ceramicist based in Scotland. Her work is inspired by nature, folklore and history, which is explored through ink drawings, ceramics and sketchbook work. The landscapes of Scotland are a particularly large source of inspiration, so having the opportunity to come to Iceland was a dream come true. She spent the month of October at the Fish Factory but liked it so much she extended her stay for an extra two weeks.
During the residency she worked on a small book of Icelandic folktales, which she illustrated in ink and paired with film photography. To support the illustrations in the book she kept a drawing journal of landscape drawings and watercolour paintings, experimenting with ways of recording the colours and forms of the landscape.This also lead to some ceramic work; sgraffito pottery depicting landscapes around Stöðvarfjörður, as well as a ceramic troll sculpture which luckily survived two plane rides back to Scotland!
You can buy her Austurland zine here!


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