Elinor O’Donovan

Elinor O’Donovan is a multidisciplinary visual artist based in Cork, Ireland. Her practice references internet memes, cartoons, and film and tv tropes. Through playful sculpture, collage, drawing and installations, she teases out the ways that familiarity with common tropes in popular culture allows us to form cognitive shortcuts, influencing how we understand the world around us.


Drawing on theatre set-design, she examines the dichotomies of front-stage/back-stage, public/private space, and audience/performer. She often chooses to leave the raw materials of her work exposed, questioning what value remains when a work of art is sketchy and unformed.


At the Fish Factory, Elinor completed her first short film ‘The Immeasurable Grief of the Prawn’, which will be shown as part of a solo exhibition of new work at GeneratorProjects, Dundee, in July 2023. The film, which explores memory, knowledge and shite talk through inter-connected dialogues about prawns, has been made possible by support from the Arts Council of Ireland and Culture Moves Europe x Goethe Institute mobility funding.


For more of her work visit her website: https://elinorodonovan.com/

Thank you, Elinor! :)



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