Roxane Fiore is a Canadian visual artist currently based in Iceland who draws, in chalk pastels, artworks that are inspired by her paper assemblages. Her interest lies in creating illusory spaces that move away from their original context and question the very ideas of reality and existence.
During this February residency, Roxane continued working on developing a new and coherent body of work to present during a first solo exhibition. The support of the Canada Council for the Arts is here acknowledged; their generous research and creation grant made this one-month residency possible.
Roxane’s work can be viewed on her website or via instagram (@roxanefiore).

“During my time at the residency, I started with the production of drawings that might be included in my future exhibition project. Working in this large studio space in an inspiring environment and alongside like-minded individuals was wonderful, and certainly had a positive impact on my productivity!
Apart from being a great workspace, the Fish Factory was ultimately for me the ideal environment to pause, reflect and gather new ideas, all while working on a specific project. I always find that changing context benefits me by fostering growth on both artistic and personal levels.
I was surprised at how much I was influenced by the spectacle of the northern lights during my stay. Their strong presence, power and beauty made their way into a small-scale drawing which will forever be a reminder of my intense and enriching experience at the Fish Factory. I owe a lot the other artists and musicians for making this residency a memorable one.”
Thank you Roxane- it was wonderful to have you at the Factory and we loved seeing the progress of your project. Come back soon! Takk og bless!
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