Kristin Sevaldsen

Kristin Sevaldsen is a Norwegian saxophonist, composer and producer
currently working on an album trilogy. She joined us for the month of February.


You can find more from Kristin on her instagram.

The music is based on field recordings from various places, situations, scenarios and countries in
the Arctic region. The first album, The Sonic Experience -Snøhetta,
was launched in May 2022 and is about mount Snøhetta on the Dovre
barriere in Norway.

The second album is based on field recordings from Iceland which is
the reason why she came to The Fish Factory; to be able to immerse
herself in the creative work and be influenced by the Icelandic
nature, culture and society in general.

Kristin S
During her stay here at the Fish Factory Kristin Sevaldsen managed to
do exactly what she wanted to do, and is very satisfied with all the
work she got done. With the entire Studio Silo as a work space all to
herself, she was able to maintain an undisturbed focus on her work.

Thank you Kristin. Your focus, calm and brilliance inspired us all! Takk og bless!




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