Alexandre Barbé and Alba Suau

Alexandre Barbé is a sculptor. He defines his work protocol in a few words : “I pay attention to off-the-path-found-places histories; I seek the extraordinary in what was thrown on scrapheap. If I want a story to be told louder, then I think of an intervention.”

In Stöðvarfjörður he wrote : “1: Odd pieces of drift wood present a journey : in its final shape he carries its wounds, in its unknown drawing I guess a far origin. 2: Birds eat berries then poo pink on white lichens. 3: Dry branches lay in a field hundreds of meters away from trees or houses. 4: A cylindrical building with no floor became a trash can. Corrosion turned its content into a monochrome, and the space made it a perfect circle.”

His work is not about photography, all the pictures are archives.

For some years now, Alba Suau’s work has focused on the experience of entering the painting; of allowing oneself to be enveloped, absorbed by it. These spaces of isolation are not places of passage, but on the contrary, places to stop and stay; they are spaces marked by slowness, by contemplation. It is a question of creating a meditative state and plunging into the pigments.

So many aspects that are shared by Stöðvarfjörður itself.

For this residency, their objective was – in addition to working on their own projects – to collaborate together. Their interventions in the landscape are the result of thinking in an empathic and attentive way : to try looking as the other would, and to only use the space and its already present components,

Laminaria hyperborea_1

Laminaria hyperborea_2

Laminaria hyperborea, 2022 Intervention.
Laminaria Hyperborea.

Krækiber_1 Krækiber_2 Krækiber_3

Krækiber, 2022
Intervention in the landscape. Crowberries and water.
Fish Factory, Stöðvarfjörður, Iceland.

Un bateau à la mer_1

Un bateau à la mer_2

Un bateau à la mer, 2022.
By Alexandre Barbé from an Alba Suau’s drawing. Intervention.
Drift wood.

Antioxydant_1    Antioxydant_2

Antioxydant, 2022.
By Alexandre Barbé Intervention.
Wood and crowberries.


Moyen non-rond
Moyen non-rond, 2022.

By Alexandre Barbé. Intervention.

Drift wood.


Thank you both !


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