Sarah Ingraham

Sarah Ingraham // April 2022

Sarah Ingraham is a Brooklyn based painter and textile artist. Her work is influenced by a background in rug making and wallpaper design. Combining her knowledge of art history with the tradition of still life, she investigates and reinterprets ancient motifs through colour to create a more contemporary palette. During her time at the residency, she created a series of three, large scale still life paintings on canvas. The wonderfully stark backdrop of Iceland acted as inspiration and encouraged even more intensity and exploration of colour in the work.


“As an artist who typically works out of my home, the fish factory was great. It gave me the opportunity to travel, be somewhere beautiful and new, and still have the freedom to maintain my usual schedule. I spent my days alternating between hiking and painting, which I think is very good for any creative brain.”

Thank you Sarah <3




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