Sandra Zanetti

Sandra Zanetti // June 2022

Sandra Zanetti is a creative practitioner combining independent research, audiovisual compositions, and writing. Their work deconstructs the complexities of underlying systems, stories and ideologies shaped by capital and technology. Zanetti weaves together physical compositions which utilise her unique visual language, woven from a variety of world cultures, iconographies, and socioeconomic theories, examining moments of destruction and innovation throughout history, in conjunction with the story of history forged by the Digital Revolution.

At the factory, Sandra has been working on a few different projects. The first is a large ongoing project that considers the manner in which history is told and retold by creating a parafunctional, post-anthropocentric society. This work examines the effects of the current post-truth state combined with the simultaneous information technology and biotechnical revolutions alongside ecological collapse. At the factory, Sandra has composed sonic compositions, written a satirical podcast, and created the concept art which will be used to set the physical scene of the installation.

The second body of work Sandra has been conducting employs Artificial Intelligence as a collaborator to explore the concept of prophetic fulfilment. In addition to these projects, the artist has been spending time mastering Pure Data, Touch Designer and programming applications.

“My time here at the factory has been a gift. I’ve been spending a lot of my time feeling focused and inspired by everyone around me. I’ve spent a lot of time meditating on the visual and sonic information present in the landscape of Stöðvarfjörður, so this has really inspired my recent tracks and has set the scene for my upcoming installations. This residency has been crucial for me in a personal sense as well, since I’m at a pivotal point in both my personal life and within the confines of my practice. There’s this certain type of peaceful starkness here, which has really been conducive to my health, and my practice. I’ve been telling my friends it feels like I’m on a space station since there’s no real sense of time or societal pressure here. It’s definitely helped me clear my mind, process the last few years, and set up for the next stage of my work’s evolution.”

Thank you, Sandra <3


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