Guillermo Mena

Guillermo Mena // March 2022

Guillermo Mena is a visual artist and animator, born in Los Cóndores, Córdoba, Argentina. During his stay at the Fish Factory in March, he engaged with the factory´s spaces by projecting onto them. Within his work, he is exploring natural geological phenomena through drawing and animation. Taking different elements in the landscape to conform to fictitious images or landscapes that explores ephemerality, displacement and notions of attachment/detachments around a nomadic way of living.

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My wandering practice is closely tied to a sense of place and the tension between belonging and dislocation, while also exploring themes of environmental catastrophe, utopia/dystopia, science fiction, ephemerality and nostalgia. Using drawing as a primal tool, I’m interested in the expanded potential of it within the places that we transitory inhabit, the poetic and symbolic aspect of material behaviour as impermanent, volatile and mark maker.

More of his work:

Guillermo´s interview:

Thank you Guillermo!


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