Eliza Moore

Eliza Moore // March and April 2022

Eliza is a London based artist who spent two months with us at the Fish Factory. “While living in Stöðvarfjörður, I have been working on a project about my personal relationship with world-building, escapism and healing through making, while exploring different possibilities of picture-making. Using primarily painting and drawing, I have become committed to bringing a narrative of vulnerability and gentleness into an art world which can feel unfeeling and cold to me. My relocation to Iceland coincided with a realisation about the importance of slowing down, both in my studio practice and in the practice of healing. I spent my first few weeks at the Fish Factory focusing on only drawing and began to observe that the more I drew, the more of this world which I was building, revealed itself to me. 

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I have been given the space to start working on a short 2D animation, Carescapes, taking influences from Icelandic Folklore and world-building video games. My practice throughout my degree has been disrupted by the pandemic. Restricted access to studios has meant students have been made to adapt to domestic and digital spaces. My time at the Fish Factory has allowed me to make use of facilities, try processes I haven’t had the chance to yet, and be involved in a studio culture outside of University. I am so grateful for this opportunity, I hope I’ll be back soon!”  


Eliza Moore is a multidisciplinary artist based in London, UK. Currently, in her third year at Central Saint Martins, the pandemic has disrupted the majority of their Fine Arts degree. Restricted access to studio spaces has meant students have been made to adapt to domestic and digital spaces. During her time at the Fish Factory, Eliza Moore worked on a project exploring her personal relationship between queerness, escapism, and world-building, while exploring different possibilities of picture-making. They have used their time at the Factory to slow down their studio practice. Moore’s work holds an array of signs and symbols influenced by video games, Icelandic folk tales, and witchcraft.


Thank you Eliza <3


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