Eva Isleifs

Eva Isleifs // February 2022

Eva spent the month of February at our residency where she painted and played in the snow, went on a beach hunt for quartz and took in the mountain views from her living room.

Eva lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland and Athens, Greece. She graduated with a BA in Fine Arts from the Art Academy of Iceland in 2008 and with a Master’s degree in Sculpture from Edinburgh College of Art in 2010. Her work has been shown in Europe, Canada and Scandinavia. Recent exhibitions are Getting out of Zola PS: Athens, Iðavellir in the Reykjavik Art Museum 2021 and the exhibition project Head 2 Head in Athens Greece 2021. In 2016 she opened A – DASH, an exhibition space and artist studios in Athens where she has curated short and long term projects as well as hosted international artists in the space with N. Niederhauser and Z. Hatzyiannaki.

“In my practice, I work with many mediums, performance and sculpture but currently I have been mainly working with drawing, symbols and the spiritual realms. I am curious about the man and how he perceives his reality and social discourse. I’m interested in historic artefacts, facts and fictional environments, the ghost of the bastard craft lingers in the work, often producing multilayered distorted replicas. Humour is essential to my mediation – communication as we often use humour in revealing hidden or often disclosed matters of the psyche.”

More of Eva´s work: https://evaisleifs.info/

Eva´s interview:



Thank you Eva! <3


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