Kirsten Sophie Hasberg

Kirsten Sophie Hasberg // October & November 2021

At the Fish Factory, Kirsten Sophie Hasberg worked on her project with the working title “Jazz meets energy”, a jazz recording and talk that combines spoken tracks with recordings of satirical jazz pieces by Tom Lehrer and Dave Frishberg. The tracks include titles like “Pollution” (Tom Lehrer) and ”Let’s eat home” (Frishberg) and the spoken part is based on my Ph.D. on organizing sustainable transitions that I finished in 2020. The project will be recorded in spring 2022 with the Berlin-based Danish jazz bass player and composer Anne Mette Iversen and her trio Iversen-Müller-Smith.

In addition to working on the Jazz meets Energy project, she finalized a research article on blockchain technology in the energy sector, submitted for a special issue on “Ignorance” in the journal “ephemera”. She also kept track of my “day job” as a sustainability advisor to Danish schools and secured funding for projects running in 2022/23. The solitude of the East fjord mountains certainly helped her through the process with all three projects.

Kirsten´s work on soundcloud.


Apart from that, she was enjoying the wonderful piano in the Silo Studio, and just for fun, she recorded a few classical pieces over video footage, like news about the COP26 climate conference, a Danish political debate over green policies, and, as a thank you to a wonderful fish truck driver who she met in Stöðvarfjörður, over footage from my trip with the fish truck all the way to Reykjavik.

Check out her interview:

Thank you Kirsten :)


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