Tetsuya Hori

Tetsuya Hori // November 2021
Tetsuya Hori // November 2021


Tetsuya Hori is a composer for contemporary music. During his stay in Stöðvarfjörður he has composed an orchestral piece for a symphonic orchestra.

On his work: “I always think the composition is actually not the task of creating sounds, but the task of listening to sounds from everywhere. And these sounds are in the vast landscape of Iceland, this fish factory, or every little event in my daily life for example. By the way, it is not necessary to listen to the sounds from the ears, but the information obtained from the eyes is also converted into sounds and listenable. Then I interpret them through the filters inside me and write down the notes on the paper in the end. Composition is like drawing a picture on canvas. At first, I need to decide the size of the canvas, then paint the base color on the whole, then draw by the bird’s-eye view and by watching details. So, I repeat these steps toward the final double bar, the end of the music. I am very thankful to really nice people and environments of the fish factory!”

You can check more on his work here: www.tetsuyahori.com

Thank you Tet!




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