Eimear Kavanagh


Eimear Kavanagh // August 2019
Eimear Kavanagh // August 2019

Eimear Kavanagh is a visual artist living in England, who spent the month of August here at the Fish Factory artist residency. She came to Stöðvarfjörður to find a peaceful environment so she could dedicate to her art project. Eimear and her sister are making a book of poetry for which she creates illustrations. Together the stories are about the connection with nature and finding the answers from there. During her residency time, she was gathering information on landscape and nature that surrounded her. She created multiple art pieces and beautiful ideas, that she will develop more when she gets back home. Eimear described her stay in the residency as a timeless experience. A big part of the experience was that she didn´t have a phone for the whole month. When Eimear wasn’t working in our Shared Studio or drafting outside she enjoyed picking local berries and mushrooms, what nature offered during this summer month. She got loads of inspiration from the museum called Petra´s stone collection. Eimear spent quality time with herself in Petra´s café, where she got high from a strong cup of coffee and crystals around her.

//More of Eimear´s work//


Check out the interview here:

Thank you, Eimear!


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