Niko Mitsuko

Niko Mitsuko // November 2018

Niko Mitsuko is an American artist working in fields of painting, photography and mixed media. She was staying with us in the month of November 2018.

In the past years, Niko has established herself as a professional artist working with galleries across the United States and Europe. Believing that art is a way to get at the soul of modern society, Niko strives to create photographs with aesthetic, paint-like qualities, bestowing her works with abstract, surrealist, and minimalist properties.

Listening to the concsiouness Hören die Bewusstheit zuIn the search of being Aud der Suche nach der ExistenzDreaming within the dream of a once forgotten place Träumen Sie im Trüam vom einem vorgessenen OrtSinking in

Niko Mitsuko // November 2018

//More of Niko Mitsuko´s Work//

Thank you, Niko!


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