Mikkel Odehnalu

Mikkel Odehnalu // October 2018

Mikkel was with us in the month of October. He is an animator and lives in the Czech Republic where he studies PhD in arts at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín where he also did MA at the Department of the Animation.

His works are mainly focused on nature, landscapes and animals. In animated projects and films, he combinates the classical drawn and the digital drawn 2D animation.

At the Fish Factory, he worked and played simply with paper, pencil and watercolours. His pieces of art are influenced by the Icelandic landscapes, mainly mountain Súlur and by the Icelandic birds.


Mikkel Odehnalu // October 2018

// More of Mikkel Odehnalu’s Work  //



Check out the interview here:


Thank you, Mikkel!


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