Rose Hatcher


Rose Hatcher // March 2018.

Rose Hatcher is an artist, a photographer and a curator from Cornwall, England. She joined us here at the Fish Factory for March of 2018 two projects in her mind – to focus on making her art works and to learn about the residency program we are running here. This is because, Rose is a founder and the manager of a similar project in Cornwall, called Fish Factory.

Initially, the two Fish Factories were connected when Rose found out about the Fish Factory in Iceland when looking for a domain name for her project. Rose and her team visited Iceland in 2016 and since then the projects have kept in contact. Now, Rose came to learn about the residency program as they are about to establish one in Cornwall as well. She was also enjoying the serene atmosphere in Stöðvarfjörður, and she spent the time in here reflecting the rapid improvements happening at the Factory in Cornwall and just recuperating from the busy months.



Rose Hatcher’s collage works and photographs made in the residency. // March 2018.

While in the residency, Rose was also happy to be able to make her own art works and experiment with different materials. During the time in here, she made many collage works on paper, took photos and used the dark room to develop some films.


//More of Rose’s Work//

And more about the Fish Factory Art Space:

Check out the interview here:

Thank you, Rose!


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