Ina de Saint Andeol

Ina de Saint Andeol, February 2017

Ina de Saint Andeol is a visual artist from France who stayed with us during February 2017. For the past 20 years, she has been travelling the world, eager to delve into the roots of its many cultures, beauties and histories. Through collages of various mediums, She likes to naively incorporate those experiences along with deep research and create a surreal world of the chosen subject.

Artwork by Ina de Saint Andeol, February 2017

Ina is currently working on a collection about faith and religions throughout the ages and cultures. She uses sand, water colour, acrylic on wood and believes that Iceland and its inspirational environment will undoubtedly enrich her research. She is influenced by fish skin patterns, winter lighting, bird feathers and stratum on the local rocks. She longs to plunge into the Icelandic nature, extract its singularities and try to capture the winter silence.

Ina has also been working on linoleum printing and she created characters such as man & women in the water with dark concept.

Carved Linoleum, Black Sand Artwork by Ina de Saint Andeol, February 2017

//More of Ina’s Artwork//

Check out the interview about her stay here:

Thank You, Ina!


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