Þór Þorbergsson

Þór Þorbergsson, February 2017

Þór Þorbergsson is an Icelandic artist and a poet who stayed with us in February 2017. His main focus is on poetry and literature, and during his stay he worked on a poetry book wich will soon be published. The book’s title is ” <3 ” and here below is an example of one of the poems.  You can also see Þór read this poem and   talk about it’s meaning in his interview.

Poetry by Þór Þorbergsson

Þór Þorbergsson & Brynja Bjarnadóttir are a good friend and they collaborated on Brynja’s dance performance during their residency.

Þór Þorbergsson & Brynja Bjarnadóttir, February 2017

//More of Þór’s Artwork//


Check out the interview about his stay here:

Thank You, Þór !


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