Marina Shaltout

Marina Shaltout, January 2017
Marina Shaltout, January 2017

Marina Shaltout is American Artist who has been staying with us for the months of December and January 2017. Marina’s work has a humorous undertone and is marked by playfulness. It is based on sculptural costumes, performances and photography. During her stay Marina has been working with various found materials and fabric, creating sculptural costumes as well as performance base photography with Sacha Ratcliffe, but the duo meet during their residency stay here and started to collaborate.

Artwork by Marina Shaltout & Sacha Ratcliffe, 2017
Marina & Sacha in the Studio, January 2017
Marina & Sacha in the Studio, January 2017

Marina is also a member of the band Dark Marcy which she formed with the other visiting Artist & Musicians at the Centre. Dark Marcy performed a couple of concerts at the Centre and where very well received. Dark Marcy has a facebook page worth visiting.

Dark Marcy; Sacha Ratcliffe, Billie Zizi, Marina Shaltout & Brynja Bjarnadóttir
Dark Marcy; Sacha Ratcliffe, Billie Zizi, Marina Shaltout & Brynja Bjarnadóttir


/More of Marinas Artwork/
Check out the interview about her stay here:

Thank You Marina!


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