Jesús Portal

Jesús Portal

Jesús Portal  is an artist‬ from Spain and stayed in Art Residency‬ for August. He’s an art teacher and writing an art education book for High–School students in Spain. The architecture of town, villages of Iceland and Fish Factory has been the main source of inspiration. Camera, music and Stöðvarfjörður was combined into the mural he was working.

Jesús, August 2016.

The main creative field he is working on – artistic education. His education is linked to being an artist in contemporary art, visual culture. This book is being produced by Jesús himself and his one of the good friends Lucia Ordoñez.
Everybody loves Iceland for its’ nature: mountains, waterfalls, glacier and so on. So do I, but my artistic background so connected to architecture and geometry, so I fell in love with the architecture of this place, that’s why I decided to do a mural inspired by the nature’. All the small details of the architecture: color, corners, frames, fences joined in one dialog for a mural. The outcome seemed to become surrealistic abstract new village.

Jesús’s educational blog:
more of his artwork:

here’s an interview with Jesús:

Thank You, Jesús!


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