Ignas Janulis / visurbalta

Ignas Janulis joined our forces on the later half of the year 2016 and arrived to Stöðvarfjörður in the sunny month of July and stayed until the dark blue days of December had passed us by. Ignas is a young graphic designer from Lithuania and he is wonderful :D  When he left he had improved and fine tuned many aspects of the residency management and the visual outputs of the Factory, f.x. here on this website and on our social media sites.

We had some pretty busy times during this period, and there was Ignas, this warm chilled out guy taking care of stuff, managing stuff and helping us out every step on the way in this crazy ass project. One of the big pushes we did during this period was to finish the new shared studio space for visiting Artists. During that time Ignas always made sure we had a daily dose of listening to Air on the stereo while he did some impressive work with a paint brush. So many tasks and missions emerged over a period of 6 months and Ignas was independent and on the ball, not to mention how damn good he was at wiring up lights with Vinny.

Ignas loves to drive and with any chance he headed off in the Green Thunder, up for every mission possible; artist pick ups, grocery shopping and swimming pool trips. We will miss him and we wish him godspeed on his journeys… but not to fast though :D


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